Ultimate Guide to Mobile Security: Laptop Privacy, Webcam Covers & More

What SimeonOnSecurity learned about and found interesting today
SimeonOnSecurity is a person who has a keen interest in security and privacy and has come across several resources today that they found interesting and would like to share with others.
One of the resources that caught their attention is the “Awesome Security” list on GitHub. This list contains an extensive collection of awesome security tools and SimeonOnSecurity plans to continue exploring and learning about the items on this list.
What SimeonOnSecurity learned about and found interesting today
Today, SimeonOnSecurity came across two interesting and useful security and privacy related tools: Universal Android Debloater and DeepPrivacy.
The Universal Android Debloater is a bash script using ADB (Android Debug Bridge) to debloat non-rooted Android devices. This tool can help to improve privacy, security and battery life of your device by removing unwanted apps and bloatware. You can find the Universal Android Debloater at https://gitlab.com/W1nst0n/universal-android-debloater .