Find the best email providers for secure and encrypted communications with SimeonOnSecurity’s recommended list. Discover the top picks, including ProtonMail, the preferred choice with end-to-end encryption, and Tutanota, another secure option for encrypted email communications.
#Email Security
#Online Privacy
#Data Protection
#Phishing Protection
Discover the top messaging clients recommended by SimeonOnSecurity. Stay secure and communicate with ease using Signal, the preferred option, Wire, and Wickr Browse through the options and choose the right messenger for you.
#end-to-end encryption
#Secure Communication
#Open Source
#data privacy
Support the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to protect online privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values. Donate to defend human rights and liberties in the digital world.
#Online Privacy
#Data Protection
Discover recommended privacy resources for protecting your rights, family, and personal information, including identity theft protection, digital security, and privacy rights, to stay safe from cyber criminals and mass surveillance.
#Identity Theft Protection
#digital security
#personal data
#credit freeze
SimeonOnSecurity’s expert recommendations for cybersecurity and IT checklists. Find top-rated checklists for security best practices, network configurations, data protection, and more.
#Security Best Practices
#Data Protection
#incident response
#vulnerability assessment
#firewall configuration