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Install Traff Monetizer: Share Your Internet Connection and Make Money Online

Looking for a way to monetize your internet connection? Look no further than Traff Monetizer. Similar to EarnApp and HoneyGain , Traff Monetizer offers you the opportunity to earn money by sharing your internet. With an average monthly earning of about $2 per node per IP, Traff Monetizer provides a potential income stream. However, it’s important to note that payouts are only offered in BTC.

Create Your Traff Monetizer Account

To get started, create an account at . Once you have access to the dashboard, make sure to take note of your application token.

Install the Docker Container

Follow these steps to install the Traff Monetizer Docker container:

  1. Learn how to install docker .

  2. Copy the following string and append your token obtained from the dashboard:

docker run -td --name traffmonetizer traffmonetizer/cli_v2 start accept --token YOUR_TOKEN

For more detailed instructions, refer to the Traff Monetizer documentation .


By installing Traff Monetizer and sharing your internet, you have the opportunity to earn money online. With an average monthly earning of about $2 per node per IP, it presents a potential source of income. Keep in mind that payouts are only available in BTC. Start monetizing your internet connection today!

Once you’re done, you should Learn How to Secure Internet Sharing Applications
