Table of Contents

Note: This article does not entail an endorsement of either wingbits or defli nor does it contain any financial advice. Please do your own research

Effortless Dual Mining: WingBits and DeFli Setup Guide

Are you looking to maximize your cryptocurrency mining efforts without a hassle? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through setting up dual mining with WingBits and DeFli .

Hardware Requirements and Recommendations for WingBits and DeFli:

Our Ideal Setup for WingBits Flight Tracking

For aviation enthusiasts or those keen on monitoring aircraft movements, we recommend an ideal setup that combines the versatility of the Raspberry Pi 4B Model B DIY Kit with specialized components for ADS-B reception. The Raspberry Pi DIY Kit is perfect for enthusiasts seeking a customizable computing solution. Paired with the AirNav Radarbox Flightstick and SIGNALPLUS 1090MHz ADS-B Antenna, this setup ensures optimal performance, features, and reliability for accurate and detailed flight tracking.


Consider this DIY kit for Raspberry Pi enthusiasts looking for a versatile and customizable computing solution.

Preferred Option: With optimal performance and features, the AirNav Radarbox Flightstick is our top recommendation for ADS-B reception, ensuring reliable and accurate flight tracking.

Preferred Option: The SIGNALPLUS 1090MHz ADS-B Antenna is our top recommendation, offering excellent performance and reliability for ADS-B reception, ensuring accurate and detailed flight tracking.

System Requirements for WingBits and DeFli:

One of the following is required. We basically just need any efficient and low powered computer we can get our hands on. Any Raspberry PI, Intel NUC, or similar will do. They don’t have to be all that powerful. However I will recommend you have at least 32g-64g of storage, 4g of ram, and at least 2 cpu threads. For this we will be targeting a budget of around $100-$200 for hardware but feel free to go higher if it suits your needs. Our power target is 25w or better on average.

Wingbits Compute Hardware

Raspberry Pi Options:


Consider this DIY kit for Raspberry Pi enthusiasts looking for a versatile and customizable computing solution.

A ready-to-go starter kit for Raspberry Pi 4, suitable for those who prefer a convenient setup with moderate power.

Similar to the 4GB kit but with more RAM, ideal for users with higher performance requirements on the Raspberry Pi 4.

Mini PC Options with Intel N5100 or Similar:


For those seeking a Raspberry Pi equivalent on an x64 platform, the Beelink U59 Mini PC offers a low-power alternative.

Another option for an x64 platform, the TRIGKEY Mini Computer provides a compact and efficient computing solution.

ADSB Specific Equipment:

ADSB Receivers

AirNav RadarBox FlightStick Best ADSB Receiver for Wingbits

We went into this in detail on our Guide on Best ADSB Receiver for Wingbits .


Preferred Option: With optimal performance and features, the AirNav Radarbox Flightstick is our top recommendation for ADS-B reception, ensuring reliable and accurate flight tracking.

An alternative option for ADS-B reception, the Blue R820T2 RTL2832U provides a reliable solution for tracking flights in your area.

ADS-B Antenna Options for WingBits and Defli:


Preferred Option: The SIGNALPLUS 1090MHz ADS-B Antenna is our top recommendation for ADS-B reception. It offers excellent performance and reliability, ensuring accurate and detailed flight tracking.

An alternative dual-band option, this antenna provides coverage for both 1090MHz and 978MHz frequencies, expanding your range of tracked flights. It is a reliable choice for comprehensive ADS-B reception.

Optional Extras

The ADSB receivers linked above have LNA and Filters built in. Only consider using a LNA or Filters if you have a non specific SDR

SAWbird+ ADS-B: Premium LNA & Filter Module

Premium, dual-channel, cascaded ultra-low noise amplifier (LNA) and filter module designed for airplane tracking applications. It enhances ADS-B reception, providing clear and accurate data.
Band Pass and SAW Filters:

Preferred Option: Specifically designed for 1090MHz, this saw filter ensures optimal performance in ADS-B reception, improving signal quality and reducing interference.

An alternative band pass filter suitable for 1090MHz applications. It helps filter out unwanted signals, contributing to a cleaner and more reliable ADS-B signal.
Low Noise Amplifiers:

Preferred Option: The Nooelec Lana is an ultra low-noise amplifier with 20dB high gain, designed to improve signal strength and sensitivity in ADS-B reception. It enhances the performance of your setup for more accurate tracking.

An alternative low noise amplifier with 20dB high gain. While it provides similar functionality, the choice between this and the Nooelec Lana depends on specific preferences and requirements for your ADS-B reception setup.
SMA Pigtails:

A pack of two 6-inch SMA to SMA adapter cables, useful for connecting various components in your ADS-B setup. These cables provide flexibility in connecting antennas, filters, and other hardware components.

A set of five RF coaxial coax SMA male to SMA male cables. These cables are suitable for connecting SMA-compatible devices in your ADS-B reception system, offering versatility and reliable connections.

OS Installation:

We won’t go into the technical details of how to install an operating system here. However here are some great resources to get you started.



Setup Instructions

Functionally wingbits and defli both operate in the same space but how you connect to them is different.

readsb -> vector -> wingbits

readsb -> mongodb connector -> DEFLI

Section 1: Installing WingBits

Installing WingBits is the first step in your dual mining journey. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Run the WingBits setup script by using the command:
curl -sL | sudo bash

Note: Make sure you have your device ID, which you can find in your original WingBits email or on the dashboard once it goes public.

Section 2: Setting Up Your Location

Setting your mining location is crucial. Use tools like to find the coordinates for your installation site. Replace the example coordinates with your own:

sudo readsb-set-location 50.12344 10.23429

Section 3: Optimizing Gain Levels

Now, it’s time to optimize your receiver’s gain levels. Run the following command, if it fails, come back to this step after completing the instructions below.

sudo bash -c "$(curl -L -o -" hash -r
sudo autogain1090
# Run ever 2 minutes, in the background, for an hour to optimize gain even further
sudo for i in {0..30}; do sudo autogain1090; sleep 120; done &

Section 4: DeFli Data Connector Setup

Setting up the DeFli Data Connector is a crucial part of the process. Follow these steps:

  1. Begin the DeFli Data Connector Setup
sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip -y
sudo git clone  
sudo pip3 install aiohttp motor pymongo python-dateutil dnspython
cd adsb-data-collector-mongodb
sudo nano 

If the pip installation fails, try the following

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-aiohttp python3-motor python3-pymongo python3-dateutil python3-dnspython
  1. Delete the file contents and instead paste the below text

Note: You must paste without formatting.

# Make a copy of this file as and update the required values below.
# The MongoDB connection details and the dump1090 URL are the ones you really need to look at.
# The rest can be left at the defaults to start with.

import logging # Ignore this line

config = {} # Ignore this line

# MongoDB connection details (don't miss the username and password):
config['db'] = {
		        'mongodb+srv://team:[email protected]/?retryWrites=true&w=majority',
                'database_name': 'defli1'
                } #Include username and password in mongodb_conn_str

# Dump1090 URL for the aircraft.json file
config['dump1090_url'] = 'http://localhost/tar1090/data/aircraft.json'

# Once a flight ID is received for the first time,
# status records already inserted to the DB can be updated with the flight ID.
# Records only up to these many seconds will be updated.
config['orphan_status_update_max_age'] = 600 # seconds

# The source (dump1090 JSON URL) will be checked every:
# This affects how often the script checks dump1090 for updated status
# Increasing this interval is a way to reduce amount of data going into the DB.
config['source_poll_interval'] = 1 # seconds

# The timeout for the HTTP request to get the JSON file from dump1090
# If a response if not received within this period, the request will be aborted.
# This will not fail the script and it will try the next request after the source_poll_interval.
# If your dump1090 is running locally, a short timeout is fine.
# If your source_poll_interval is short, better to keep the timeout short.
config['http_timeout'] = 3 # seconds

# A dictionary is used to maintain a local of copy of the ADS-B status messages
# so that new messages can be distinhuished from those already processed.
# A cleanup function periodically trims this dictionary to keep it from growing too much.
# The following 2 options control how often the cleanup runs
config['cleanup_run_interval'] = 3600 # seconds
# and how old the messages can be before they are removed.
config['messages_max_age'] = 1800 # seconds

# The following parameter determines how many days worth of "status" documents
# are kept in your status collection. As status documents form the majority of the data,
# adjusting this parameter would help you manage the size of your DB.
# If you are not concerned with the size of your DB growing, you may set this to a higher number.
config['max_status_age_days'] = 60 # days

# The following fields are excluded from the status documents.
# This is primarily done to prevent new status documents from being created
# when there is no change in the actual data but just change in the
# age or cumulative fields. Add or remove fields here as per your preferences.
config['excluded_fields'] = ['messages', 'seen', 'seen_pos',]

# The maximum number of consecutive errors that will be allowed for the
# HTTP fetch process that get the data from dump1090.
# The process will fail if consecutive errors exceed this threshold.
# A successful operation will reset the counter.
config['max_consecutive_http_errors'] = 10

# If the following is set to True, only a limited set of data will be kep in the
# status documents. This is to save space on MongoDB.
# Only the data points listed in limited_status_allowed_list will be saved.
config['limited_status'] = True
config['limited_status_allowed_list'] = ['position', 'alt_baro', 'gs', 'track', 'squawk', 'track_rate', 'roll_rate', 'baro_rate', 'mach', 'ias']

# Configure the following parameters for logging.
# The process can write to log files in the directory speified below.
# A new log file will be created at midnight every day and the old file will be
# renamed with the date. The maximum number of old files that will be kept can
# be specified below.
# The log levels are the standard Python logging module levels. To log only errors,
# set it to logging.ERROR (case sensitive).
config['logging'] =     {
                        # To enable, set to True (with capitlized T)
                        'enabled':              False,
                        # Directory/folder where log files will be created
                        'log_dir':              '/home/adsb/logs',
                        # Log file name
                        'log_file_name':        'adsb_data_collector_mongodb.log',
                        # Log level
                        'log_level':            logging.INFO,
                        # Log format
                        'log_format':           '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
                        # Max number of old logs that will be kept
                        'log_file_hist_count':  7

# This set of parameters are to be used if you want to configure Pushover notifcations.
# If not , just leave 'enabled' as False.
config['pushover'] =    {
                        # To enable, set to True (with capitlized T)
                        'enabled':      False,
                        # Your Pushover user
                        'user':         'your Pushover user string',
                        # Your Pushover app token
                        'token':        'your Pushover app token',
                        # Log level
                        'log_level':    logging.CRITICAL,
                        # Log format
                        'log_format':   'ADS-B MongoDB feeder had an error\n%(message)s'

Section 5: Testing the ADSB Data Collector

To ensure everything is set up correctly, run the ADSB Data Collector with the following command:


Note: If installed correctly you should not get any output.

Section 6: Running on Boot

Make the ADSB Data Collector run on boot by creating a systemd service:

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/adsb_collector.service

Copy and paste the the following service configuration into the file. Don’t forget to adjust the file path as needed.


ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/adsb-data-collector-mongodb/  # (NOTE you must edit this path to wherever you saved the file)


Exit and Save the File with CTRL+X, Y, ENTER

Enable The adsb_collector Service

sudo systemctl enable adsb_collector 
sudo systemctl start adsb_collector

Section 7: Verifying Services

After setting up all the components, verify that the services are running correctly:

  1. Verify all services are started and running correctly.
sudo systemctl status readsb vector adsb_collector


By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to dual mining with WingBits and DeFli. Keep in mind that cryptocurrency mining can be resource-intensive, so it’s essential to have the necessary hardware and permissions. Also, remember that the crypto market is highly volatile, so invest wisely.

Additionally, if you made it this far, you’ll be interested in our article on Low Powered Crypto Miners


Here are some helpful links for reference: