Table of Contents

Submitting an Article

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our website! We welcome guest blog submissions that align with our content focus. To submit an article for consideration, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact us through the webform at to express your interest in guest blogging.

  2. Prepare your article in either Markdown (md) or HTML format.

  3. Submit a pull request on our GitHub repository at . If you don’t have an author page already, create one following the example in our author directory .

  4. Ensure your article includes valid frontmatter (metadata) with all the required variables, as shown in the example below:

author: "Your Name"
title: "Your Article Title"
date: 2023-08-07
toc: true
draft: false
description: "Your article's description or summary."
genre: ["Genre1", "Genre2", "Genre3"]  # Add appropriate genres relevant to your article.
tags: ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]  # Add relevant tags to your article.
cover: "/img/cover/your_cover_image.png"  # Add the path to your article's cover image. Must be in png format.
coverAlt: "A description of your cover image."
coverCaption: "Caption for your cover image."

Article Guidelines

  • Your article should be related to topics in our Article Categories .

  • Make sure your article is well-written, informative, and provides value to our readers.

  • We appreciate original content, so please ensure that your article hasn’t been published elsewhere.

  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Cite any sources used appropriately.

  • Include images or media if necessary and ensure you have the right to use them.

  • You may include relevant links to reputable sources to back up your claims or provide further information.

Article Categories

We welcome guest blog submissions that cover a wide range of topics related to cybersecurity, information technology, automation, programming, coding, best practices, compliance, security regulations, and more. Here are some key areas of interest:

Cybersecurity and Data Protection

  • Cloud Security: Strategies for securing cloud environments, services, and data.
  • Data Protection: Best practices for safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  • Incident Response: How to effectively respond to and recover from cybersecurity incidents.
  • Vendor Risk Management: Managing risks associated with third-party vendors and suppliers.
  • Disaster Recovery: Ensuring business continuity and data recovery in case of disasters.
  • Network Security: Strategies for protecting networks from cyber threats and attacks.
  • Vulnerability Management: Techniques for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities.

Information Technology and Automation

  • Automation and DevOps: Leveraging automation in software development and IT operations.
  • Infrastructure Management: Best practices for managing IT infrastructure efficiently.
  • Configuration Management: Techniques to maintain consistent and stable system configurations.
  • Cloud Services: Exploring various cloud services and their integration into IT environments.
  • Programming and Coding: Tips, tutorials, and best practices for coding and programming.

Best Practices and Compliance

  • Security Best Practices: Implementing industry-standard security practices and frameworks.
  • Compliance and Regulations: Staying compliant with security regulations and data privacy laws.
  • User Access Management: Strategies for managing user access and privileges securely.
  • Data Privacy: Ensuring the privacy and protection of personal and sensitive information.
  • Logging and Monitoring: Techniques for monitoring and detecting suspicious activities.
  • Least Privilege Principle: Limiting user access to only what is necessary for their role.
  • Data Classification and Loss Prevention: Protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access and loss.

Guest Post Policy

At SimeonOnSecurity, we believe that guest blogging is primarily a platform for networking and knowledge sharing, benefiting both the writer and our platform. While we welcome and encourage guest blog submissions, we would like to clarify that we do not offer payment for guest posts.

Guest blogging is a mutually beneficial arrangement where writers have the opportunity to showcase their expertise and gain exposure within our community. In return, our platform benefits from diverse perspectives and valuable insights from guest contributors.

Publishing and Promotion

  • Our team will review your submission and get back to you within a reasonable time frame.

  • If your article is approved for publication, we will handle the publishing process.

  • We reserve the right to edit your article for clarity, grammar, to conform to our website’s style, and any reason we feel is required.

  • Once published, we encourage you to promote your article through your social media channels and personal website.

  • We retain the right to deny any guest blog posts submitted to SimeonOnSecurity for publication without providing a reason for rejection.

  • By submitting a guest post, you authorize SimeonOnSecurity to have sole copyright ownership of the material. Therefore, you must submit solely unique and original content, and you should not reproduce the article elsewhere once published on our platform.

  • By submitting an article to SimeonOnSecurity, you agree to these terms and acknowledge that you have the right to grant us the aforementioned copyright ownership.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that your article aligns with our content focus and adheres to the guidelines mentioned above.

  • We recommend providing proper citations and references to any sources used in your article to avoid plagiarism.

  • Please note that we may make minor edits to the content for formatting, grammar, and readability while preserving the core message and intent of your article.

  • If your article is approved for publication, we may schedule it for a future date based on our content calendar.

  • We cannot guarantee a specific timeframe for reviewing and publishing guest blog submissions, but we will do our best to respond to submissions in a timely manner.

  • Once published, your article will be promoted through our website, newsletters, and social media channels to maximize its reach.

  • We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in following these guidelines to maintain the quality and relevance of content on SimeonOnSecurity.

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and helping you reach a wider audience with your insights. If you have any further questions or clarifications, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the webform .

Happy writing!