Table of Contents


Script that translates Hugo markdown file content into other languages.

Example command:

node src/index.js --source=__fixtures__ --recursive --force
# --source is the root dir to search for "" files. You may replace __fixtures__ with any other dir name.
# --recursive will include any nested directories in the root dir (default is false)
# --force will cause existing language files to be overwritten (default is to ignore existing language file)
# --targetLanguageIds is another option that can be specified (default target ids are: ar, bn, ca, zh, fr, de, hi, it, ja, pt, pa, ro, ru, es

Example output:

========== glotta ============
dir: __fixtures__/simeon-usecase-dir/content/articles/a-beginners-guide-to-setting-up-a-secure-and-resilient-vpn-for-remote-workers
Input file(s):  [
targetLanguageIds: ar, bn, ca, zh, fr, de, hi, it, ja, pt, pa, ro, ru, es
force overwrite if file exists?: true

parsing input file...
translating text into...  es
writing new file...
translating text into...  ru
writing new file...
translating text into...  ro
writing new file...
translating text into...  pa

How to change Translation API Provider

Set the TRANSLATE_PROVIDER environment variable to either GOOGLE or DEEPL, and be sure to set your DEEPL_AUTH_KEY as well. The test suites will rely on these env variables so you can test your integration by running npm test

For example:

DEEPL_AUTH_KEY= **********




