DoD Manual 8140.03: Cyberspace Workforce Program - Summarized

Table of Contents
Summary of DoD Manual 8140.03 - Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program
The Department of Defense (DoD) has recently released the DoD Manual 8140.03, which outlines the Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program. The program is designed to develop and maintain a skilled and qualified cyberspace workforce that can operate in coordination with warfighters, businesses, and mission system owners. The manual includes five sections, with each section providing details on different aspects of the program.
The purpose of the manual is to implement policy, assign responsibilities, and prescribe procedures for the qualification of personnel identified as members of the DoD cyberspace workforce. The manual identifies members of the DoD cyberspace workforce based on the cyberspace work role(s) of the position(s) assigned.
The manual applies to all DoD personnel assigned to positions requiring the performance of cyberspace work as identified in DoDI 8140.02. The manual is also applicable to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the CJCS and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD.
Section 2 of the manual outlines the responsibilities of various entities in managing the cyberspace workforce. The following are some of the highlighted responsibilities:
- The DoD CIO collaborates with other entities to provide recommendations to the CWMB for approval regarding the development of DoD cyberspace workforce metrics.
- The USD(P&R) provides oversight and prescribes human resources guidance, develops recommendations for training and education, and identifies manpower and personnel systems for data capture.
- The USD(I&S) oversees development and management of intelligence (cyberspace) workforce element work roles and coordinates qualification data collection.
- The OSD and DoD Component heads provide recommendations to the CWMB for approval regarding the development of policies, procedures, and processes required to manage the cyberspace workforce.
Qualification Program Objectives and Procedures
The Qualification Program uses the DCWF to develop a common understanding of cyberspace concepts, principles, and applications. The Qualification Program consists of foundational, resident, and CPD (Continuous Professional Development) requirements to develop and sustain the cyberspace workforce. The following are some of the highlighted objectives and procedures:
- DoD personnel filling cyberspace workforce positions are required to be qualified and operate in coordination with warfighters, business, and mission system owners.
- The KSAs of the DoD cyberspace workforce are continuously reviewed and updated.
- DoD civilian employees and Service members must achieve the foundational and resident qualification requirements within 9 and 12 months of assignment to a cyberspace work role, respectively.
- OSD and DoD Components manage the development and implementation of qualification requirements in the resident and CPD areas.
- Contractors must meet foundational qualification requirements upon commencement of cyberspace work.
Qualification Areas
Section 3 of the manual details the qualification areas for the DoD cyberspace workforce. The Qualification Program includes three qualification areas: foundational, resident, and CPD. The following are some of the highlighted areas and requirements:
Foundational Qualification Areas
The DoD Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program outlines the qualifications required for each DCWF work role up to three levels of proficiency. The Qualification Program consists of foundational, resident, and CPD requirements to develop and sustain the cyberspace workforce. The program aims to develop and maintain a skilled and qualified cyberspace workforce that can operate in coordination with warfighters, businesses, and mission system owners. The foundational qualification areas consist of education, training, and personnel certifications. Highlighted bullet points from section 3 of DoDM 8140.03 are:
- A secondary education diploma or equivalent is required for all work roles at all proficiency levels
- Higher education and degree discipline requirements are evaluated and enacted on a role-by-role basis
- Continuous work in the relevant discipline can be demonstrated instead of a degree
- Components should determine processes to document, review, validate, and approve continuous cyberspace work
- OSD and DoD Components should look to the Department of Homeland Security and National Security Agency Centers of Academic Excellence when using education to meet the foundational qualification requirements
- Training programs must cover 70% of core task and KSA content of the work role appropriate for the applicable proficiency level
- Approved training must be completed within the past 5 years unless continuous work in the relevant discipline can be demonstrated
- A list of acceptable training offerings and their respective applicability to work roles and proficiency levels should be documented by OSD and DoD Components and nominated to the CWMB for inclusion in the appropriate work role qualification matrix
- All external training offerings, whether government developed or sponsored, or commercial products, require prior CWMB approval to guarantee the requirements of this section are met
Personnel Certifications:
- Must be accredited to the International Organization for Standards/International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 17024
- Must maintain relevancy through annual review and re-accreditation within 5 years
- The experience foundational qualification option provides a mechanism to validate and document knowledge attained through actual conduct of the tasks of a work role or work roles in a DoD environment
To meet the requirements of this section, the on-the-job qualification area of the qualification matrix must be completed to achieve qualification. The DoDD 8140.01 should evaluate and recommend qualification requirements for the undefined areas. Components should determine processes to document, review, validate, and approve continuous cyberspace work. The experience foundational qualification option provides a mechanism to validate and document knowledge attained through actual conduct of the tasks of a work role or work roles in a DoD environment.
Resident Qualification Areas
The resident qualification areas are specific to a work role, and the training provided must cover all pertinent task and KSA content of the applicable work role. OSD and DoD Components manage the development and implementation of qualification requirements in the resident and CPD areas. To meet the requirements of this issuance, CPD requirements commence upon completion of foundational and resident qualification requirements, and individuals must engage in a minimum of 20 hours per year of CPD or education activities to maintain and enhance competence.
Cyberspace Personnel Information Management
The DoD must have knowledge of their cyberspace workforce position requirements and provide qualified and ready personnel to manage the cyberspace workforce effectively and efficiently. Existing manpower and personnel systems should be used to satisfy reporting and workforce
The DoD Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program is designed to develop and maintain a skilled and qualified cyberspace workforce that can operate in coordination with warfighters, businesses, and mission system owners. This program outlines the qualifications required for each DCWF work role up to three levels of proficiency.
The program consists of foundational, resident, and CPD (Continuous Professional Development) requirements to develop and sustain the cyberspace workforce. The foundational qualification areas consist of education, training, and personnel certifications, and the program includes a list of acceptable training offerings and their respective applicability to work roles and proficiency levels.
By establishing qualification requirements and performance standards, the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program ensures that the DoD has a competent and capable workforce to defend and secure its information systems and networks. The program’s focus on ongoing training and professional development ensures that personnel remain up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and threats in cyberspace.
Overall, the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management Program is an essential program that ensures the DoD has a skilled and competent workforce to protect against cyber threats. By providing a framework for workforce management, the program helps ensure that the DoD can continue to defend and secure its information systems and networks in an ever-evolving threat landscape.