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Best Linux Distros for Gaming: Ubuntu, Zorin OS, Manjaro, and More

Gaming on Linux has gained significant popularity in recent years, thanks to the advancements in Linux gaming support and the availability of gaming-focused Linux distributions. In this article, we will explore some of the best Linux distros for gaming, including Ubuntu, Zorin OS, Manjaro, and SteamOS.

Ubuntu: A Versatile Gaming Platform

Ubuntu has established itself as one of the leading Linux distributions for gaming. It offers a stable and reliable environment with extensive hardware support, making it compatible with a wide range of gaming configurations. Ubuntu provides a user-friendly interface, a vast software repository, and excellent community support. With the help of tools like Steam, Lutris, and PlayOnLinux, Ubuntu users can enjoy a diverse collection of games on their Linux system.

You can download Ubuntu from the official website: Ubuntu

Zorin OS: Gaming with a Familiar Touch

If you are a Windows gamer looking for a seamless transition to Linux, Zorin OS is an ideal choice. It offers a Windows-like interface, providing a familiar environment for gamers switching from Windows. Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu and comes with built-in support for gaming. It includes popular gaming applications such as Steam, Wine, and PlayOnLinux, simplifying the installation and management of games on the system.

You can find more information and download Zorin OS from their official website: Zorin OS

Manjaro: A Gaming-Focused Linux Distro

For gamers who prefer a rolling release distribution, Manjaro is worth considering. It combines the benefits of a rolling release model with a user-friendly interface and excellent gaming performance. Manjaro provides a curated selection of gaming software and a wide range of desktop environments to choose from. It also includes tools like Lutris and Steam pre-installed, making it easy to set up and enjoy gaming on Linux.

You can find more information and download Manjaro from their official website: Manjaro

SteamOS: The Gaming OS by Valve

Developed by Valve Corporation, SteamOS is a specialized Linux distribution designed specifically for gaming. It aims to bring the seamless gaming experience of the popular Steam platform to the living room. SteamOS provides a console-like interface optimized for big-screen gaming and supports a wide range of game controllers. It comes with the Steam client pre-installed, offering access to a vast library of games, including both native Linux games and Windows games through Steam Play.

You can find more information and download SteamOS from their official website: SteamOS

Other Gaming-Friendly Linux Distros

While Ubuntu , Zorin OS , Manjaro , and SteamOS are among the top choices for Linux gaming, there are other notable Linux distributions worth exploring:

  • Pop!_OS : Developed by System76, Pop!_OS provides an optimized gaming experience and includes features like automatic GPU switching for laptops.
  • Fedora : Fedora offers excellent gaming support, with its focus on cutting-edge technologies and latest software updates.
  • Solus : Solus is a beginner-friendly Linux distro that provides great gaming performance and a curated selection of gaming software.

Remember, the choice of Linux distro for gaming ultimately depends on your personal preferences and hardware compatibility. Consider experimenting with different distros to find the one that suits your gaming needs the best.


Linux has emerged as a powerful gaming platform, and with the right choice of Linux distribution, gamers can enjoy a wide range of games on their systems. Ubuntu, Zorin OS, Manjaro, and SteamOS are among the best Linux distros , offering excellent performance, gaming-focused features, and a supportive community.

Try out these distros and immerse yourself in the exciting world of Linux gaming!

Linux DistroDescription
Ubuntu- Stable and reliable environment
- Extensive hardware support
- User-friendly interface and vast software repository
Zorin OS- Windows-like interface for a seamless transition from Windows
- Built-in support for gaming and popular gaming applications
Manjaro- Rolling release model with user-friendly interface
- Curated selection of gaming software and pre-installed gaming tools
SteamOS- Specialized Linux distribution by Valve Corporation
- Console-like interface optimized for big-screen gaming
- Pre-installed Steam client for access to a vast library of games
Pop!_OS- Optimized gaming experience with automatic GPU switching for laptops (by System76)
Fedora- Focus on cutting-edge technologies and latest software updates
Solus- Beginner-friendly distro with great gaming performance and curated selection of gaming software


  1. Ubuntu - Official Website:
  2. Zorin OS - Official Website:
  3. Manjaro - Official Website:
  4. SteamOS - Official Website: